Career mentoring is the process of mentoring an individual to help them identify their true potential. It’s a process that guides one to understand their natural flow of strengths and interests. And in this process, the individual can determine with confidence the career path they wish to take. Doing all of this is an inward journey for the person which a career mentor can help realize. However, many people are conditioned to think that career counseling is an effective method. What they don’t know is that the two are different. You can find out the difference between career mentoring and career counseling.

That said, the question that begs to be answered is whether career mentoring is required early in life. There are career mentors in India and worldwide as well who can confirm that yes, career mentoring is needed earlier in life. Therefore, in this blog, we’ll discuss the reasons why it is needed and what makes it an undeniable experience.

Is career mentoring in the early stages of youth needed?

If you are a parent and you’ve been looking for career counselors in Delhi NCR or anywhere in India, ask yourself the reasons. Your goal for seeking career counseling for your child should fit that of what a career counselor can give. 

If your child is not able to choose a career path of your liking, you may be the one who needs counseling and not your child. Your child is simply confused about the options but this should not be considered a problem. 

A problem requires counseling

whereas confusion requires mentoring

Having a mentor can help one look towards themselves. The earlier this process begins, the better for a child as they can then confidently select the right career from the start. Imagine the problems they would prevent from happening had they chosen the wrong career path.

Therefore, career mentoring is needed early in life to prevent one from pursuing the wrong path.

Other reasons for early career mentoring in youth development include:

  • Increased graduation rates
  • Lower job dropout rates in the future
  • Healthier relationships and lifestyle choices
  • Better approach to learning new and relevant skills
  • Higher educational aspirations
  • Enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Improved behavior, both at home and at school
  • Improved interpersonal skills
  • Stronger relationships with parents, teachers, and peers

Career progression begins at home. When you are aware of what career coaches in India can do, the distinction becomes easier.

It’s time you looked for career mentors in India and turned your child’s career aspirations into a reality.

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