If you’ve watched the Kung Fu Panda movie, it’s got some amazing lessons that not many live-action films emphasize today.

Known for his appetite for life, and of course, food, Po is a refreshingly positive-minded Panda adopted by a Goose. This movie was not just any child-themed story that you could walk away from without self-reflection. It made you laugh while also learning a thing or two about yourself. And with this unique combination of comedy and wisdom, the characters of this movie depicted the deeper lessons of life.

Another character to look out for is Oogway. He is lovable in his own way and you look forward to what he has to say. Oogway may have not much to do in the movie, but his words captured all hearts. His character plays the role of a former Kung Fu Master who has years, patience and wisdom on his side.

There was a life-revealing conversation that lasted a few minutes between Po and Master Oogway. Whether one has watched this movie or not, this scene, in particular, is something almost everyone can relate to, especially putting themselves in Po’s position.

This is how it goes…

Oogway: [walking towards Po] Ah! I see that you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom!

Po: [Turns around with a lot of peaches stuffed in his mouth] Is that what this is? I’m so sorry! I just thought it was a regular peach tree!

Oogway: I understand. You eat when you are upset.

Po: Upset? I’m not upset. Why, what makes you think I’m upset?

Oogway: [giving Po a moment] So, why are you upset?

Po: [sighs] I probably sucked more today than anybody in the history of Kung Fu. In the history of China. In the history of sucking!

Oogway: Probably.

Po: And THE FIVE! Man, you should’ve seen them. They totally hate me.

Oogway: Totally.

Po: [Lifts up his oversized tummy in disappointment] How is Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior? I mean, I’ve not like THE FIVE, I’ve got no claws, no wings, no venom. Even Mantis has those…. Thingies… [sighs]… maybe, I should just quit, go back to making noodles.

Oogway: Quit, don’t quit. Noodles, don’t noodles… You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There’s a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.

And this is where the scene ends between Po and Oogway, giving us, the audience, a sense of realization.

Po was disappointed in himself. Being a Panda, he felt he was not fit to learn Kung Fu and was on the brink of quitting and going back to working at his father’s noodle shop. However, Oogway sets him right by nudging him to discover who he truly was – not a big fat panda dependent on the external world or the dragon scrolls for his strength and serenity. Rather, a dragon warrior who understands the What and Why of his existence.

One could easily relate to this conversation as many a time, in our life, we also fret over our own deficiencies – either mental or material and sometimes both. We labor under the self-created delusions of our own imperfections and incompleteness and wallow in self-pity, inflicting innumerable miseries and sufferings upon ourselves.

So why do we harbor a sense of incompleteness or discontentment and are never satisfied with what we have? What’s really causing that unnerving sense of “something still missing” in our life?

Our scriptures unanimously give a single answer to all our questions – It is due to the ignorance about Who, What and Why we are.

Let’s for a minute observe how the ‘Game of Delusion’ is played continuously in our life.

1.     Ignorance of our true self makes us operate from a state of deficiency in our life.

2.     Those perceived deficiencies become the source of the unbearable itch of multiple desires.

3.     To get rid of that irritating itch, we work like a maniac leading to a plethora of physical, social, emotional, and mental diseases & disorders.

4.     Our ability or inability to fulfill those desires results in either the ‘illusion of achievements or disappointments.” It’s worth noting that in both cases, it’s still an illusion but ignorance veils its true nature.

5.     A never-ending cycle of itches and illusions hardens into a ‘Deluded self’ that is completely ignorant of its own strength and identity.

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The Game of Delusion

The secret lies in breaking this vicious cycle through the understanding of our existence and operating from a state of completeness or Poorna. It will transform the depressing cycle of incompleteness into the blissful existence of peace and contentment.

A leader transforms into a legend when the breakthrough happens.

So, how do we do it?

I work with my coachees, increasing their Spiritual Quotient or the SiQ through the practice of hashtag#Energywash of completeness or Poorna in their day-to-day interactions. It enables them to generate a high hashtag#FIT score on the contentment parameters which in turn empowers them to embark on the journey of self-discovery and awareness.

During my coaching conversations, many a time, my coachee also introspects on the difference between happiness and contentment. I now leave you with this poem by Joshua Sylvester published in the Daily Poetry for your consideration and contemplation.


I weigh not fortune’s frown or smile;

I joy not much in earthly joys;

I seek not state, I reck not style;

I am not fond of fancy toys:

I rest so pleasedly with what I have,

I wish no more, no more I crave.

I quake not at the thunder’s crack;

I tremble not at the news of war;

I would not at the news of wrack;

I shrink not at a blazing star;

I fear not loss, I hope not to gain,

I envy none, I none disdain.

I see ambition never pleased;

I see some Tantals starved in the store;

I see gold’s dropsy seldom eased;

I see even Midas gape for more;

I neither want nor yet abound,

Enough’s a feast, content is crowned.

I feign not friendship where I hate;

I fawn not on the great (in the show);

I prize, I praise a mean estate,

Neither too lofty nor too low:

This, this is all my choice, my cheer,

A mind content, a conscience clear.

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