Behaviour & Personality Assessment

Psychometric Tests are a popular way to understand your behavior, personality, skill, knowledge, abilities, or similar traits. They are used worldwide and extremely popular in the Business world. Employers use such tests to understand the match between the role and the potential fitment with a candidates’ personality and cognitive (thinking) abilities. Many a time, such information is not forthcoming in the interviews. Psychometric tests provide insights into these hidden aspects of the employees. We at Krescon recommend administering such tools from a self-awareness perspective. The results help both the Coach and Coachee understand the current behavior and get a peek into the insights about the coachee’s personality and thought process, which is immensely helpful during coaching conversations.

Psychology is the study of the human mind, and one of the biggest challenges has always been to measure it quantitatively. Psychometrics helps overcome such limitations by focusing on measuring the psychological concepts of personality, cognition, and knowledge. A critical aspect of using particular psychometric tools is the reliability and repeatability coefficient. Most of the in-house tools may lack rigor or adequate testing during the development and stabilization phase. Since psychometric science vitally depends on statistics to find the attributes of interest, it is imperative to choose amongst one of the standard tools and hence be assured the relevance of the results.

We at Krescon offer you the best that is available in the Industry. Please choose from the top-of-the-line psychometric tools that our partners or we administer, enabling a better understanding of your behavior or personality. The current tools on the offer are Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Strong Interest Inventory (SII) Everything DiSC: A Wiley Brand, PF 16, and Hogan Interest Inventory.

Contact us today for your personalized assessment and increase awareness about you and yourself.

When you know yourself you are empowered. when you accept yourself you are invincible

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